What's your hair level?
Undertones are existing underlying pigments found in hair and are exposed after bleach. The lower the number, the darker the hair. The higher the number, the lighter the hair.

What are undertones and why do they matter?
Undertone are existing underlying color found in hair or those exposed after bleaching can shift a color. If you have dark brown hair and wants to achieve a “cool” Brown hair color, you will encounter unwanted warm tones.

Color Wheel
To correct unwanted tones, you must first understand the color wheel. The colors opposite each other on the color wheel cancel each other out in terms of temperature. That is, warm colors neutralize cool colors and vice versa. For example, red (warm) is the opposite of green (cool) – and they neutralize each other.
All of our shades are found on the color wheel. Placement on the color wheel represents tonal value. Colors across the wheel neutralize tonal direction.

What is Hair pH?
pH determines how acidic and healthy your hair is. Most healthy hair pH are around 4.5 to 5.5. Permanent hair color adjusts the pH level of the hair to open the cuticle. Developers have a string alkaline with a high pH that help to lift the cuticle to allow hair dyes to penetrate the cuticle.

How intense do you want your hair color to be?
Finally, intensity refers to the strength or saturation of the color. A color will need to be much more saturated on darker level hair compared to a lighter level.