Frequently Asked Questions satinhairstg

How do I know what color is right for me?

Choosing the right hair color is a personal choice. That said, there are a few industry tips to follow. If you have cooler skin tones, stay with a cool hair color family such as Ash, Beige, or Violet. If you have warmer skin tones, stay with a warm hair color family such as Natural, Gold Copper, and Red.


When I dyed my hair lighter, the roots came out a shade lighter than the rest of my hair?

Your body heat is warmer at the scalp than on your ends. The heat makes the color work faster. Use a shower cap over your head to keep the heat even throughout your hair.


What is hair color level?

Levels are the degree of “lightness or darkness” of a color that is reflected or seen by the eye. Hair color is assigned a level number from 1 to 10 with 1 being black and 10 lightest blonde. Black reflecting very little light and lightest blonde reflecting the greatest amount of light. A level 10 blonde would be two steps lighter than a level 8 blonde.


What is the difference between Satin Cover Grey and other developers?

Cover Grey has wetting agents which make the color cling to the hair shaft better allowing for better color penetration. Cover Grey also has mordents to allow the color to adhere to the internal workings of the hair strand much more effectively.

How do you determine which volume of developer to use?

  • 10 Volume is used when coloring tone on tone or darker.
  • 20 Volume is used when coloring tone on tone or up to 2 levels lighter.
  • 30 Volume is used when coloring up to 3 levels lighter.
  • 40 Volume is used when coloring up to 4 levels lighter.
  • Cover Grey is used when trying to cover 100% grey hair.
  • Semi Processing Gel is used to create Deposit Only Hair Color.


What makes Satin so different than the other hair color dyes out there?

Satin has a low ammonia content (less than 1%) and has an aloe Vera base to protect the hair and scalp. Also, Satin uses micro color molecules for better color penetration, resulting in vibrant, rich, shiny color and incredible grey coverage.


I dyed my hair black & want to be a medium brunette. Can I just dye a lighter color over it?

No, you will need to use Color Reverse and then re-color with a medium brown color.


My ends are damaged & porous, how much time should I leave the color on the ends?

On overly porous hair the color should be left on no longer than 5 minutes.